Today Kerala Lottery Result

The Kerala State Lottery Result for today can be seen live on Lotteries Sambad. Karunya, Nirmal, Karunya Plus, Fifty-Fifty, Sthree Sakthi, Win-Win, and Akshaya are some of the Kerala Lottery games.

Latest Lottery Result Chart

Draw DateLottery and Draw NoPDF View
KARUNYA(KR-651)April 27-2024Click Here
NIRMAL(NR-377)April 26-2024Click Here
KARUNYA PLUS(KN-519)April 25-2024Click Here
FIFTY-FIFTY(FF-93)April 24-2024Click Here
STHREE-SAKTHI(SS-412)April 23-2024Click Here
WIN-WIN(W-766)April 22-2024Click Here
AKSHAYA(AK-648)April 21-2024Click Here
KARUNYA(KR-650)April 20-2024Click Here
NIRMAL(NR-376)April 19-2024Click Here
KARUNYA PLUS(KN-518)April 18-2024Click Here
FIFTY-FIFTY(FF-92)April 17-2024Click Here
STHREE-SAKTHI(SS-411)April 16-2024Click Here
WIN-WIN(W-765)April 15-2024Click Here
AKSHAYA(AK-647)April 14-2024Click Here
KARUNYA(KR-649)April 13-2024Click Here
NIRMAL(NR-375)April 12-2024Click Here
KARUNYA PLUS(KN-517)April 11-2024Click Here
FIFTY-FIFTY(FF-91)April 10-2024Click Here
STHREE-SAKTHI(SS-410)April 09-2024Click Here
WIN-WIN(W-764)April 08-2024Click Here
AKSHAYA(AK-646)April 07-2024Click Here
KARUNYA(KR-648)April 06-2024Click Here
NIRMAL(NR-374)April 05-2024Click Here
KARUNYA PLUS(KN-516)April 04-2024Click Here
FIFTY-FIFTY(FF-90)April 03-2024Click Here
STHREE-SAKTHI(SS-409)April 02-2024Click Here
WIN-WIN(W-763)April 01-2024Click Here
AKSHAYA(AK-645)March 31-2024Click Here
NIRMAL(NR-373)March 29-2024Click Here
KARUNYA PLUS(KN-515)March 28-2024Click Here
FIFTY-FIFTY(FF-90)March 27-2024Click Here
STHREE-SAKTHI(SS-408)March 26-2024Click Here
WIN-WIN(W-762)March 25-2024Click Here
KARUNYA(KR-648)March 24-2024Click Here

Weekly Kerala State Lotteries Result

Lottery NameDraw Day1st Prize Amount (in ₹)
KARUNYA PLUSThursday80,00,000/-